站点图标 AI技术聚合




第一步:利用setup.py 配置环境的文件

Install prerequisites (tested with Ubuntu 16.04, Tensorflow v1.1.0, TFLearn v0.3.1 and Selenium v2.39.0)

import os

start_dir = os.getcwd()

# mahimahi
print ('mahimahi begin')
os.system("sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1")
#os.system("sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:keithw/mahimahi") 这句话不重要,跑不了的话可以不跑
os.system("sudo apt-get -y update")
os.system("sudo apt-get -y install mahimahi")
print ('mahimahi finish')

# apache server
os.system("sudo apt-get -y install apache2")

# selenium
print('selenium begin')
#os.system("wget 'https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/selenium/selenium-2.39.0.tar.gz'") #下载不下来的话可以在windows里面下好了传给服务器,然后再pensieve文件夹下面继续setup.py,解压缩等
#os.system("sudo apt-get -y install python-setuptools python-pip xvfb xserver-xephyr tightvncserver unzip") #我的环境已经有了,不需要重新下载
os.system("tar xvzf selenium-2.39.0.tar.gz")
selenium_dir = start_dir + "/selenium-2.39.0"
os.chdir( selenium_dir )
os.system("sudo python setup.py install" )
os.system("sudo sh -c \"echo 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=/dev/null' > /etc/init.d/selenium\"")
print('selenium finish')

# py virtual display
print('pyvirtualdisplay begin')
os.chdir( start_dir )
os.system("pip install pyvirtualdisplay")

os.system("wget 'https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb' ") #和上面的gz文件同理,先下载下来,然后再传到pensieve文件夹下继续跑setup.py。
os.system("sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb")
os.system("sudo apt-get -f -y install")
print('pyvirtualdisplay finish')

# tensorflow
#os.system("sudo apt-get -y install python-pip python-dev")
#os.system("sudo pip install tensorflow")
# tflearn
#os.system("sudo pip install tflearn")
#os.system("sudo apt-get -y install python-h5py")
#os.system("sudo apt-get -y install python-scipy")
# matplotlib
# os.system("sudo apt-get -y install python-matplotlib")

# copy the webpage files to /var/www/html
os.chdir( start_dir )
os.system("sudo cp video_server/myindex_*.html /var/www/html")
os.system("sudo cp video_server/dash.all.min.js /var/www/html")
os.system("sudo cp -r video_server/video* /var/www/html")
os.system("sudo cp video_server/Manifest.mpd /var/www/html")

# make results directory
print('making dir')
os.system("mkdir cooked_traces")
os.system("mkdir rl_server/results")
os.system("mkdir run_exp/results")
os.system("mkdir real_exp/results")

# need to copy the trace and pre-trained NN model
print ("Need to put trace files in 'pensieve/cooked_traces'.")
print ("Need to put pre-trained NN model in 'pensieve/rl_server/results'.")

第 2 步:下载数据集

数据集1:[PiTree 清华数据集][https://transys.io/pitree-dataset/traces/index.html]、FCC18、HSR、Ghent、Lab(都可以在清华的这个网站找到)

PiTree 数据集的动机是自适应视频流中现有数据集的不足。许多现有的仿真数据集,例如Pensieve或Oboe是多年前收集的,平均带宽约为 1Mbps。然而,随着最近通信技术(例如,5G)的发展,现在的互联网通常提供超过10Mbps的更高带宽。因此,我们认为有必要在视频和网络轨迹上构建一个新的数据集,以忠实地评估比特率自适应算法的性能。

  1. FCC18 is the measurement results of the broadband network in 2018 provided by FCC, with a median bandwidth improvement by 4.04x compared to 2016. ( origin )
  2. HSR . We adopt the 4G measurements on high-speed rails in 2018 to construct a scenario with violently fluctuating 4G bandwidths. ( origin )
  3. Ghent . We use the 4G measurements on foot, bicycle, bus, tram, train, and car in 2016 by Ghent University, which are moderately fluctuating 4G bandwidths. ( origin )
  4. Lab . Finally, we also measure the indoor 4G bandwidth during the period of 2019-07-02 to 2019-08-15. To ensure the comprehensiveness of the dataset, we interchangeably use four congestion control algorithms (BBR, Cubic, Vegas, and HighSpeed). The indoor traces construct a scenario with gently fluctuating 4G bandwidths.
python sim2mahimahi.py -i hd_sim/ghent/ -o hd_mahimahi/ghent/
python setup_sim2mahimahi.py -i hd_sim



- To download the raw data, follow
# FCC broadband dataset
$ wget http://data.fcc.gov/download/measuring-broadband-america/2016/data-raw-2016-jun.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf data-raw-2016-jun.tar.gz -C fcc

# Norway HSDPA bandwidth logs
$ wget -r --no-parent --reject "index.html*" http://home.ifi.uio.no/paalh/dataset/hsdpa-tcp-logs/

# Belgium 4G/LTE bandwidth logs (bonus)
$ wget http://users.ugent.be/~jvdrhoof/dataset-4g/logs/logs_all.zip
$ unzip logs_all.zip -d belgium

- For actual video streaming over Mahimahi (http://mahimahi.mit.edu), the format of the traces should be converted to the following
Each line gives a timestamp in milliseconds (from the beginning of the
trace) and represents an opportunity for one 1500-byte packet to be
drained from the bottleneck queue and cross the link. If more than one
MTU-sized packet can be transmitted in a particular millisecond, the
same timestamp is repeated on multiple lines.
An example mahimahi trace `run_exp/12mbps` depicts 12Mbit/sec bandwidth. More details of mahimahi trace file requirements can be found in https://github.com/ravinet/mahimahi/tree/master/traces. In our case, the script `convert_mahimahi_format.py` in `traces/norway/` and `traces/fcc/` can be used. Some samples of preprocessed data can be downloaded in `cooked_traces` from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ss0zs1lc4cklu3u/AAB-8WC3cHD4PTtYT0E4M19Ja?dl=0.

- For simulations, the format should be `[time_stamp (sec), throughput (Mbit/sec)]`. Some sample can be downloaded in `train_sim_traces` and `test_sim_traces` from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ss0zs1lc4cklu3u/AAB-8WC3cHD4PTtYT0E4M19Ja?dl=0.




1) python get_video_sizes.py

2) python multi_agent.py

import os
import warnings
import logging
os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "3" 


将test cooked traces 复制:

import os
os.system('cp -r ./cooked_test_traces ../test/cooked_traces' )




第 6 步:实际平台测试


