我在 python 中的年龄计算器有问题

乘风 python 392

原文标题i have a problem with my age calculator in python

我希望代码以这种格式打印人的年龄和他出生的日期(你 31 岁,你在星期五出生)但我在代码中遇到问题(参数’fmt’未填充:11 )


import datetime

def ma(birthdate):
    today = datetime.date.today()
    age = today.year - birthdate.year - ((today.month, today.day) < (birthdate.month, birthdate.day)), birthdate.strftime('%A')
    return age

print('You are', ma(datetime.date(int(input('Please Enter a Year: ')), int(input('Please Enter a Month: ')),
                                  int(input('Please Enter a Day: ')))), 'years old, and you have born in', datetime.date.strftime('%A'))```


Please Enter a Year: 2007
Please Enter a Month: 8
Please Enter a Day: 17
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\walee\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharmCE2021.3\scratches\age calculate.py", line 11, in <module>
    int(input('Please Enter a Day: ')))), 'years old, and you have born in', datetime.date.strftime('%A'))
TypeError: descriptor 'strftime' for 'datetime.date' objects doesn't apply to a 'str' object

Process finished with exit code 1```



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  • Corralien的头像
    Corralien 评论

    简单胜于复杂。 (Python之禅)

    age = ma(datetime.date(int(input('Please Enter a Year: ')),
                           int(input('Please Enter a Month: ')),
                           int(input('Please Enter a Day: '))))
    print(f'You are {age[0]} years old and you were born on {age[1]}')


    Please Enter a Year: 2007
    Please Enter a Month: 8
    Please Enter a Day: 17
    You are 14 years old and you were born on Friday
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