脚本功能:通过ICMP Ping或TCP/SYN探测指定的域名,探测前检测域名是否有效。
file: check.host.pl
use strict;
use Net::Ping;
use Net::DNS;
use Time::HiRes qw();
$| = 1;
my $DNS_TIMEOUT = 3;
### 查询域名是否有效
sub queryDomain {
my $domain = shift();
my $query = '';
my $dns = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(
tcp_timeout => $DNS_TIMEOUT, udp_timeout => $DNS_TIMEOUT, retry => 1
my @nameservers = qw/;
eval {
$query = $dns->search($domain,'A');
if ($@ or ! $query) {
my $err = $dns->errorstring ;
print "ERR: query $domain failed: $errn";
return if ($err =~ /NXDOMAIN/);
return 'OK';
### return nothing is FAILED, other is OK
sub pingHost {
my $arg = shift();
return 1 if (ref $arg ne 'HASH');
my $p;
eval { $p = Net::Ping->new($arg->{'proto'},$DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,0) };
if ($@) {
warn "ERR to create Net::Ping object: $@n";
my ($host,$duration,$hip,$rep,$ret);
### tcp/syn ping
if ($arg->{'proto'} eq "syn") {
$p->{port_num} = $arg->{'port'};
if (($host,$duration,$hip) = $p->ack()) {
printf("ACK Reply from $arg->{'host'}[%s] time=%.2f msn", $hip, $duration * 1000);
$ret = 'OK';
} else {
warn "SYN Request for $arg->{'host'} timed out.n";
### icmp ping
else {
($rep,$duration,$hip) = $p->ping($arg->{'host'},$PING_TIMEOUT);
if ($rep) {
printf("Echo Reply from $arg->{'host'}[%s] time=%.2f msn", $hip, $duration * 1000);
$ret = 'OK';
else {
warn "PING Request for $arg->{'host'} timed out.n";
return $ret;
my $ARG = { proto => 'syn', port => 80 };
my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $proto = $ARGV[1];
die "Usage: $0 [icmp]n" if (! $host);
$ARG->{'host'} = $host;
$ARG->{'proto'} = $proto if ($proto);
my $code;
if (&queryDomain($host) eq 'OK' and $code = &pingHost($ARG)) {
print "$host is online !n";
else {
print "$host is DOWN !n";
# ./check.host.pl 2013.jb51.net
ERR: query 2013.jb51.net failed: NXDOMAIN
2013.jb51.net is DOWN !
# ./check.host.pl www.jb51.net
ACK Reply from www.jb51.net[] time=307.04 ms
www.jb51.net is online !
# ./check.host.pl jb51.net icmp
Echo Reply from jb51.net[] time=205.61 ms
jb51.net is online !
# ./check.host.pl chinagfw.com icmp
PING Request for chinagfw.com timed out.
chinagfw.com is DOWN !