
ANFIS (Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System)——自适应模糊神经网络,最早于1993年由Jyh-Shing Roger Jang提出。采用模糊if-then规则建立模糊推力系统,该系统可以构造基于人类知识(以模糊if-then规则的形式)和规定的输入输出数据对的输入输出映射,作者提出了一种基于自适应网络的模糊推理系统。在原文中列举并讨论了与人工神经网络的比较以及在模糊建模方面的前期工作,还提出了 ANFIS的其他扩展,以及在自动控制和信号处理方面的应用前景。(后来在原文的基础上出现了许多的杂交算法)接下来我会以通俗的语言解释该算法。


图 1


输入x,y,在第一层用隶属函数(menbership functions,MFs,隶属度函数有很多种,可自行百度,隶属度函数的参数(如a,b,c)成为为前向参数)对输入特征x,y进行模糊化操作,得到一个[0,1]的隶属度(menbership grade),通常用mu表示。 


图 2




在第二层,每个变量的隶属度mu相乘得到每个规则的触发强度(firing strength)。




在这里需要再次将输入变量x,y代入,一般由输入变量的线性组合求出({​{f}_{i}}={​{c}_{0}}+{​{c}_{1}}x+{​{c}_{2}}y\,如果输入有n个特征,{​{f}_{i}}={​{c}_{0}}+{​{c}_{1}}{​{x}_{1}}+{​{c}_{2}}{​{x}_{2}}+\ldots +{​{c}_{n}}{​{x}_{n}}\。其中c0、c1…cn为线性方程的系数,称为后向参数)。









4-19 更新:实验太忙,现在把代码更新一下,以后会及时把代码放上去的。



Multivariate Regression and Classification Using an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy
Inference System (Takagi-Sugeno) and Particle Swarm Optimization.

X           (n_samples, n_inputs)       Input dataset (training)
Xe          (n_inputs, n_pf)            Expanded input dataset (training)
Y           (n_samples, n_outputs)      Output dataset (training)
Xp          (n_samples, n_inputs)       Input dataset (prediction)
Xpe         (n_inputs, n_pf)            Expanded input dataset (prediction)
Yp          (n_samples, n_labels)       Output dataset (prediction)
J           scalar                      Cost function
theta       (n_var, )                   Unrolled parameters
mu          (n_pf, )                    Mean (premise MFs)
s           (n_pf, )                    Standard deviation (premise MFs)
c           (n_pf, )                    Exponent (premise MFs)
A           (n_inputs+1, n_cf)          Coefficients (consequent MFs)
pf          (n_samples, n_pf)           Premise MFs value
W           (n_samples, n_cf)           Firing strenght value
Wr          (n_samples, n_cf)           Firing strenght ratios
cf          (n_samples, n_cf)           Consequent MFs value
f           (n_samples, n_outputs)      ANFIS output
combs       (n_inputs, n_cf)            Combinations of premise MFs

n_samples           Number of samples
n_inputs            Number of features in the original input dataset
n_outputs           Number of labels/classes in the output dataset
n_labels            Number of outputs in the original dataset
n_var               Number of variables
n_mf                Number of premise MFs of each feature
n_pf                Total number of premise MFs
n_cf                Total number of consequent MFs

- MF stands for membership function.
- premise (membership) functions are generalize Bell function defined by mean
  <mu>, standard deviation <s>, and exponent <c>.
- consequent (membership) functions are hyperplanes defined by <n_inputs+1>
  coefficients each.

import numpy as np
import itertools

def f_activation(z):

    a = np.zeros_like(z)

    idx = (z >= 0.0)
    a[idx] = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z[idx]))

    idx = np.invert(idx)                # Same as idx = (z < 0.0)
    a[idx] = np.exp(z[idx]) / (1.0 + np.exp(z[idx]))

    return a

def logsig(z):

    a = np.zeros_like(z)

    idx = (z < -33.3)
    a[idx] = z[idx]

    idx = (z >= -33.3) & (z < -18.0)
    a[idx] = z[idx] - np.exp(z[idx])

    idx = (z >= -18.0) & (z < 37.0)
    a[idx] = - np.log1p(np.exp(-z[idx]))

    idx = (z >= 37.0)
    a[idx] = - np.exp(-z[idx])

    return a

def build_class_matrix(Y):
    Builds the output array <Yout> for a classification problem. Array <Y> has
    dimensions (n_samples, 1) and <Yout> has dimension (n_samples, n_classes).
    Yout[i,j] = 1 specifies that the i-th sample belongs to the j-th class.
    n_samples = Y.shape[0]

    # Classes and corresponding number
    Yu, idx = np.unique(Y, return_inverse=True)
    n_classes = len(Yu)

    # Build the array actually used for classification
    Yout = np.zeros((n_samples, n_classes))
    Yout[np.arange(n_samples), idx] = 1.0

    return Yout, Yu

class ANFIS:

    def __init__(self, n_mf, n_outputs, problem=None):
        n_mf        (n_inputs, )        Number of MFs in each feature/input
        n_outputs                       Number of labels/classes
        problem     C = classification problem, otherwise continuous problem
        self.n_mf = np.asarray(n_mf)
        self.n_outputs = n_outputs
        self.problem = problem

        self.n_inputs = len(n_mf)               # Number of features/inputs
        self.n_pf = self.n_mf.sum()             # Number of premise MFs
        self.n_cf = self.n_mf.prod()            # Number of consequent MFs

        # Number of variables
        self.n_var = 3 * self.n_pf \
                     + (self.n_inputs + 1) * self.n_cf * self.n_outputs

        self.init_prob = True                   # Initialization flag
        self.Xe = np.array([])                  # Extended input array

        # For logistic regression only
        if (self.problem == 'C'):
            self.Yout = np.array([])            # Actual output
            self.Yu = np.array([])              # Class list

    def create_model(self, theta, args):
        Creates the model for the regression problem.
        # Unpack
        X = args[0]                 # Input dataset
        Y = args[1]                 # Output dataset

        # First time only
        if (self.init_prob):
            self.init_prob = False

            # Build all combinations of premise MFs

            # Expand the input dataset to match the number of premise MFs.
            self.Xe = self.expand_input_dataset(X)

            # For classification initialize Yout (output) and Yu (class list)
            if (self.problem == 'C'):
                self.Yout, self.Yu = build_class_matrix(Y)

        # Builds the premise/consequent parameters mu, s, c, and A

        # Calculate the output
        f = self.forward_steps(X, self.Xe)

        # Cost function for classification problems (the activation value is
        # calculated in the logsig function)
        if (self.problem == 'C'):
            error = (1.0 - self.Yout) * f - logsig(f)
            J = error.sum() / float(X.shape[0])

        # Cost function for continuous problems
            error = f - Y
            J = (error ** 2).sum() / 2.0
        return J

    def eval_data(self, Xp):
        Evaluates the input dataset with the model created in <create_model>.
        # Expand the input dataset to match the number of premise MFs.
        Xpe = self.expand_input_dataset(Xp)

        # Calculate the output
        f = self.forward_steps(Xp, Xpe)

        # Classification problem
        if (self.problem == 'C'):
            A = f_activation(f)
            idx = np.argmax(A, axis=1)
            Yp = self.Yu[idx].reshape((len(idx), 1))

        # Continuous problem
            Yp = f

        return Yp

    def build_combs(self):
        Builds all combinations of premise functions.

        For example if <n_mf> = [3, 2], the MF indexes for the first feature
        would be [0, 1, 2] and for the second feature would be [3, 4]. The
        resulting combinations would be <combs> = [[0 0 1 1 2 2],
                                                   [3 4 3 4 3 4]].
        idx = np.cumsum(self.n_mf)
        v = [np.arange(0, idx[0])]

        for i in range(1, self.n_inputs):
            v.append(np.arange(idx[i-1], idx[i]))

        list_combs = list(itertools.product(*v))
        self.combs = np.asarray(list_combs).T

    def expand_input_dataset(self, X):
        Expands the input dataset to match the number of premise MFs. Each MF
        will be paired with the correct feature in the dataset.
        n_samples = X.shape[0]
        Xe = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_pf))       # Expanded array      输入参数列数和前参个数
        idx = np.cumsum(self.n_mf)                  #计算总隶属函数个数
        i1 = 0

        for i in range(self.n_inputs):
            i2 = idx[i]
            Xe[:, i1:i2] = X[:, i].reshape(n_samples, 1)        #将行转换为列
            i1 = idx[i]

        return Xe

    def build_param(self, theta):
        Builds the premise/consequent parameters  mu, s, c, and A.
        i1 = self.n_pf          #mu
        i2 = 2 * i1             #s
        i3 = 3 * i1             #c
        i4 = self.n_var         #A

        # Premise function parameters (generalized Bell functions)
        self.mu = theta[0:i1]
        self.s = theta[i1:i2]
        self.c = theta[i2:i3]
        # Consequent function parameters (hyperplanes)
        self.A = \
            theta[i3:i4].reshape(self.n_inputs + 1, self.n_cf * self.n_outputs)

    def forward_steps(self, X, Xe):
        Calculate the output giving premise/consequent parameters and the
        input dataset.
        n_samples = X.shape[0]

        # Layer 1: premise functions (pf)
        d = (Xe - self.mu) / self.s
        pf = 1.0 / (1.0 + (d * d) ** self.c)            #钟型隶属度函数

        # Layer 2: firing strenght (W)
        W = np.prod(pf[:, self.combs], axis=1)

        # Layer 3: firing strenght ratios (Wr)
        Wr = W / W.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)

        # Layer 4and 5: consequent functions (cf) and output (f)
        X1 = np.hstack((np.ones((n_samples, 1)), X))    #hstack是把数组叠加起来
        f = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_outputs))
        for i in range(self.n_outputs):
            i1 = i * self.n_cf
            i2 = (i + 1) * self.n_cf
            cf = Wr * (X1 @ self.A[:, i1:i2])
            f[:, i] = cf.sum(axis=1)

        return f

    def param_anfis(self):
        Returns the premise MFs parameters.
        mu = self.mu
        s = self.s
        c = self.c
        A = self.A

        return mu, s, c, A


import anfis as anf
Func=anf.ANFIS(n_mf=n_mf, n_outputs=n_outputs, problem=problem)
#n_mf就是number of membership function,隶属度函数 的个数,problem给了一个分类(C)和回归两种





上一篇 2023年5月26日
下一篇 2023年5月27日
