【NLP】CS224n Lecture 01—Introduction and Word Vector

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Chapter 1 Introduction to NLP

1.1 Definition

NLP (Natural Language Processing)is a field at the interesection of

  • computer science
  • artificial intelligence
  • linguistic

1.2 Goal of NLP

  • get computers to process hunman language
  • perform useful tasks
  • realize AI-complete

1.3 Prospect

  • All the tech firms are furiously putting out products via NLP .

  • Fully understand and representing the meaning of language(or even defining it) have long way to go.

1.4 Task level

Example tasks come in varying level of difficulty.Thus,there are different levels of tasks in NLP, from speech processing to semantic interpretation and discourse processing respectively.

Chapter 2 Word Vectors

2.1 Trditional solution

Commonest Linguistic way of thinking of meaning is turning symbol into idea, which is so-called denotational semantics(指称语义).
Common NLP solution:
WordNet, a thesaurus(同义词典) containing lists of synonym sets (同义词集) and hypernyms(上位词) .
Problems with resources like WordNet:

  • Great as a resource but missing nuance
  • Missing new meanings of words
  • Subjective
  • Requires human labor to create and adapt
  • Can’t compute accurate word similarity:
    one-hot (独热码) vectors

    Vector dimension (向量维度)= number of words in vocabulary
    These two vectors are orthogonal(正交)
    There is no natural notion of similarity for one-hot vectors
    • Try to rely on WordNet’s list of synonyms to get similarity→fail badly: incompleteness, etc.
    • Instead: learn to encode similarity in the vectors themselves

2.2 Distributed representation

A word’s meaning is given by the words that frequently appear close-by.
Word vectors—also called word embeddings(词嵌入) or (neural) word representations(词表征):
We will build a dense vector for each word, chosen so that it is similar to vectors of words that appear in similar contexts.

Chapter 3 Word2vec

3.1 Overview


  • We have a large corpus (语料库) of text
  • Every word in a fixed vocabulary is represented by a vector
  • Go through each position t in the text, which has a center word c
    and context words o
  • Use the similarity of the word vectors for c and o to calculate
    the probability
    of o given c
  • Keep adjusting the word vectors to maximize this probability

3.2 Objective function

Data likelihood(似然函数):

objective function(目标函数):also called a cost or loss function

The loss function is the (average) negative log likelihood(负对数似然).

3.3 Minimizing objective function

3.3.1 Calculate probability

Use two vectors per word w

Dot product (点积)compares similarity of o and c.
Exponentiation (求幂) makes anything positive

softmax function(柔性最大传输函数)

  • Max” because amplifies probability of largest x
  • Soft” because still assigns some probability to smaller x
  • Return a distribution

3.3.2 Optimize value of parameters

Optimize these parameters by walking down the gradient(梯度).
calculate gradient:

more details:

  • Two vectors per word
    We can use the equation :

    In order to avert the calculation of partial derivative(偏导数) of second power(二次幂).

  • Two model variants:
    1.Skip-grams (SG)
    Predict context (“outside”) words (position independent) given center word
    2.Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW 连续词袋模型)
    Predict center word from (bag of) context words

  • Negative sampling(负采样)
    To add efficiency in training:The idea is somewhat similar to SGD which will be mentioned. All calculations are expensive, so we do only a fraction calculation at one time and repeated many times.
    Eg. If a vocabulary of 10,000 words. Model Output layer, we expect the probability of a word is 1, while for other 9, 999 words the output is 0 in taht case we need to calculate 9,999 times. And by negative sampling, samples for 5 ( that is, in other words 9,999 of 5 ) weights update, it will significantly reduce the amount of calculation.

Gradient Descent Algorithm(梯度下降算法) :
take small step in direction of negative gradient and repeat

Problem: . LOSS is a function of all windows in the corpus
Promotion:Stochastic gradient descent (SGD随机梯度下降算法)
Repeatedly sample windows, and update after each one

while True:
    window = sample_window (corpus)
    theta_grad = evaluate_gradient(J,window ,theta)
    theta = theta - alpha * theta_grad

A sample demonstration platform

The solution of relevant assignment will be presented in the next blog.





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