毕业设计-基于 MATLAB 的图像去雾技术研究





选题指导: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37340229/article/details/128243277


🎯基于 MATLAB 的图像去雾技术研究






图像直方图表示的是图像中每一灰度级出现的概率情况。假设一幅图像具有 N 个像素,r k 表示第 k 个灰度级对应的灰度,L 表示灰度级个数,nk 表示灰度 r k 的像素个数,则直方图可定义为:

直方图均衡化的基本思想是将原始图像的灰度直方图变换成均匀分布的形式,增加了像素 灰度值的动态范围,提高了图像整体对比度。

 多尺度 Retinex(MSR)算法原理

Retinex 理论即视网膜大脑皮层理论,该理论认为物体色彩主要取决于物体表面对红绿蓝 3 种光线的反射能力,不受光线的反射强度和光照非均匀性的影响,成像过程可表示为:

 式中,I ( x,y ) 表示原始图像,R ( x,y ) 表示反射图像,L( x,y ) 表示入射光照图像。Retinex 算法的 原理是分离图像中的入射光照分量,保留能反映图像细节信息的反射分量。进行对数 运算,有

 采用高斯环绕函数与原始图像的卷积来对入射光照分量进行估计,则第 i 条颜色通道经 SSR 算法处理后得到的反射分量 rSSRi ( x,y )可表示为:

为弥补该算法尺度单一、难以平衡图像动态范围压缩能力和色彩保真性的缺点, 提出了 MSR 算法,该算法的实质是对多个不同尺度的 SSR 算法结果的加权平均,可表示为



 暗通道先验理论即在绝大多数户外无雾图像非天空区域内,总有大量像素在某个颜色通道上具有很小的亮度值,这个颜色通道即是暗通道。对于非天空区域的清晰无雾图像 J ( x ),其暗通道 J dark ( x )强度值总是趋近于 0,即

式中,J c ( y )表示图像 J 的 R、G、B 3 个通道中的某个通道,Ω( x )表示以像素 x 为中心的窗口区域。 假设大气光值 A 是已知的,估计初始透射率

 引入参数 ω 使复原后的图像保留一定的雾感避免出现失真,复原无雾图像

 二、基于 MATLAB 的图像去雾系统

系统结构 图像去雾系统以 MATLAB R2018b 为平台,对可视化的图形用户界面 GUI 进行设计,通 过用户界面的菜单和控件实现相应功能的调用,便于功能演示,增加了软件交互的易用性。图像 86 2020 年第 6 期 去雾系统集成了全局直方图均衡化、局部直方图均衡化、多尺度 Retinex、暗通道先验 4 种经典去 雾算法。

该系统能够通过菜单关联不同的去雾算法,主窗口加入坐标轴控件用于图像显示,以原 始图像作为输入,经去雾算法处理后的复原图像作为输出,通过显示原始图像和去雾图像演示不 同算法的去雾性能。 系统结构图和主界面设计图分别如图所示。

运用该系统实现图像去雾具体流程如下: 1)打开 MATLAB 软件,选择相应的“.fig”文件,可进入图像去雾系统主界面; 2)通过主界面功能区的“打开文件”菜单,选择任意一幅自然带雾图像,载入待处理图像,并在图像显示区域的坐标轴控件中显示; 3)通过“选择去雾算法”菜单分别调用全局直方图均衡化算法、局部直方图均衡化算法、多尺度Retinex 算法和暗通道先验算法对原始带雾图像进行去雾处理,同时在图像显示区域显示去 雾后的图像,另外针对全局直方图均衡化算法和局部直方图均衡化算法,该系统还能通过显示处 理前后的图像灰度直方图对比去雾效果; 4)通过“保存图像”菜单将处理后的图像保存在相应的文件夹中; 5)通过“退出系统”菜单退出图像去雾系统。系统演示 针对描述的全局直方图均衡化、局部直方图均衡化、多尺度 Retinex、暗通道先验 4 种常用去雾算法,图像去雾系统运行效果如图所示。





 多尺度 Retinex 算法:



图像质量评价方法通常可分为主观评价方法和客观评价方法主观评价 主观评价是以观察者对图像的主观视觉感受作为评价标准。该图像去雾系统能够显示原始图像和去雾图像,以原始图像为参考,通过观察不同算法的去雾结果图像对比去雾效果。客观评价 客观评价则是通过不同的评价指标对图像质量进行客观分析。以图像的标准差、峰值信噪比、信息熵和算法运行时间 4 个方面作为评价指标,统计记录了标准差、峰值信噪比、信息熵和运行时间进一步比较各算法性能。不同算法性能比较


# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import os.path
import io
import zipfile
from data.base_dataset import BaseDataset, get_params, get_transform, normalize
from data.image_folder import make_dataset
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from data.Load_Bigfile import BigFileMemoryLoader
from data.Load_Bigfilev2 import BigFileMemoryLoaderv2
from io import BytesIO
import os
import glob
import cv2, math
import random
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
from PIL import Image
import scipy.io
def pil_to_np(img_PIL):
    '''Converts image in PIL format to np.array.
    From W x H x C [0...255] to C x W x H [0..1]
    ar = np.array(img_PIL)
    if len(ar.shape) == 3:
        ar = ar.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        ar = ar[None, ...]
    return ar.astype(np.float32) / 255.
def np_to_pil(img_np):
    '''Converts image in np.array format to PIL image.
    From C x W x H [0..1] to  W x H x C [0...255]
    ar = np.clip(img_np * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
    if img_np.shape[0] == 1:
        ar = ar[0]
        ar = ar.transpose(1, 2, 0)
    return Image.fromarray(ar)
def synthesize_salt_pepper(image,amount,salt_vs_pepper):
    ## Give PIL, return the noisy PIL
    out = img_pil.copy()
    p = amount
    q = salt_vs_pepper
    flipped = np.random.choice([True, False], size=img_pil.shape,
                               p=[p, 1 - p])
    salted = np.random.choice([True, False], size=img_pil.shape,
                              p=[q, 1 - q])
    peppered = ~salted
    out[flipped & salted] = 1
    out[flipped & peppered] = 0.
    noisy = np.clip(out, 0, 1).astype(np.float32)
    return np_to_pil(noisy)
def synthesize_gaussian(image,std_l,std_r):
    ## Give PIL, return the noisy PIL
    return np_to_pil(noisy)
def synthesize_speckle(image,std_l,std_r):
    ## Give PIL, return the noisy PIL
    return np_to_pil(noisy)
def synthesize_low_resolution(img):
    if random.uniform(0,1)<0.5:
        img = img.resize((w, h), Image.BILINEAR)
    return img
def convertToJpeg(im,quality):
    with BytesIO() as f:
        im.save(f, format='JPEG',quality=quality)
        return Image.open(f).convert('RGB')
def blur_image_v2(img):
    #print("The gaussian kernel size: (%d,%d) std: %.2f"%(kernel_size[0],kernel_size[1],std))
    return Image.fromarray(blur.astype(np.uint8))
def perlin_noise(im,varargin):
        This is the function for adding perlin noise to the depth map. It is a
    simplified implementation of the paper:
    an image sunthesizer
    Ken Perlin, SIGGRAPH, Jul. 1985
    The bicubic interpolation is used, compared to the original version.
    HAZERD: an outdoor scene dataset and benchmark for single image dehazing
    IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Sep 2017
    The paper and additional information on the project are available at:
HazeRD: An Outdoor Scene Dataset and Benchmark for Single Image Dehazing
If you use this code, please cite our paper. Input: im: depth map varargin{1}: decay term Output: im: result of transmission with perlin noise added Authors: Yanfu Zhang: yzh185@ur.rochester.edu Li Ding: l.ding@rochester.edu Gaurav Sharma: gaurav.sharma@rochester.edu Last update: May 2017 :return: """ # (h, w, c) = im.shape # i = 1 # if nargin == 1: # decay = 2 # else: # decay = varargin{1} # l_bound = min(h,w) # while i <= l_bound: # d = imresize(randn(i, i)*decay, im.shape, 'bicubic') # im = im+d # i = i*2 # im = c(im); # return im pass def srgb2lrgb(I0): gamma = ((I0 + 0.055) / 1.055)**2.4 scale = I0 / 12.92 return np.where (I0 > 0.04045, gamma, scale) def lrgb2srgb(I1): gamma = 1.055*I1**(1/2.4)-0.055 scale = I1 * 12.92 return np.where (I1 > 0.0031308, gamma, scale) #return : depth matrix def get_depth(depth_or_trans_name): #depth_or_trans_name为mat类型文件或者img类型文件地址 data = scipy.io.loadmat(depth_or_trans_name) depths = data['imDepth'] #深度变量 #print(data.keys()) #打印mat文件中所有变量 depths = np.array(depths) return depths def irregular_hole_synthesize(img,mask): img_np=np.array(img).astype('uint8') mask_np=np.array(mask).astype('uint8') mask_np=mask_np/255 img_new=img_np*(1-mask_np)+mask_np*255 hole_img=Image.fromarray(img_new.astype('uint8')).convert("RGB") return hole_img,mask.convert("L") def zero_mask(size): x=np.zeros((size,size,3)).astype('uint8') mask=Image.fromarray(x).convert("RGB") return mask def hazy_simu(img_name,depth_or_trans_name,airlight=0.76,is_imdepth=1): ##for outdoor """ This is the function for haze simulation with the parameters given by the paper: HAZERD: an outdoor scene dataset and benchmark for single image dehazing IEEE Internation Conference on Image Processing, Sep 2017 The paper and additional information on the project are available at:
HazeRD: An Outdoor Scene Dataset and Benchmark for Single Image Dehazing
If you use this code, please cite our paper. IMPORTANT NOTE: The code uses the convention that pixel locations with a depth value of 0 correspond to objects that are very far and for the simulation of haze these are placed a distance of 2 times the visual range. Authors: Yanfu Zhang: yzh185@ur.rochester.edu Li Ding: l.ding@rochester.edu Gaurav Sharma: gaurav.sharma@rochester.edu Last update: May 2017 python version update : Aug 2021 Authors : Haoying Sun : 1913434222@qq.com parse inputs and set default values Set default parameter values. Some of these are used only if they are not passed in :param img_name: the directory and name of a haze-free RGB image, the name should be in the format of ..._RGB.jpg :param depth_name: the corresponding directory and name of the depth map, in .mat file, the name should be in the format of ..._depth.mat :param save_dir: the directory to save the simulated images :param pert_perlin: 1 for adding perlin noise, default 0 :param airlight: 3*1 matrix in the range [0,1] :param visual_range: a vector of any size :return: image name of hazy image """ # if random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.5: visual_range = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1] # visual range in km #可自行调整,或者使用range函数设置区间,此时需要修改beta_param,尚未研究 beta_param = 3.912 #Default beta parameter corresponding to visual range of 1000m A = airlight #print('Simulating hazy image for:{}'.format(img_name)) VR = random.choice(visual_range) #print('Viusal value: {} km'.format(VR) ) #im1 = cv2.imread(img_name) img_pil = pil_to_np(img_name) #convert sRGB to linear RGB I = srgb2lrgb(img_pil) if is_imdepth: depths = depth_or_trans_name d = depths/1000 # convert meter to kilometer if depths.max()==0: d = np.where(d == 0,0.01, d) #### else: d = np.where(d==0,2*VR,d) #Set regions where depth value is set to 0 to indicate no valid depth to #a distance of two times the visual range. These regions typically #correspond to sky areas #convert depth map to transmission beta = beta_param / VR beta_return = beta beta = np.ones(d.shape) * beta transmission = np.exp((-beta*d)) transmission_3 = np.array([transmission,transmission,transmission]) #Obtain simulated linear RGB hazy image.Eq. 3 in the HazeRD paper Ic = transmission_3 * I + (1 - transmission_3) * A else: Ic = pil_to_np(depth_or_trans_name) * I + (1 - pil_to_np(depth_or_trans_name)) * A # convert linear RGB to sRGB I2 = lrgb2srgb(Ic) haze_img = np_to_pil(I2) # haze_img = np.asarray(haze_img) # haze_img = cv2.cvtColor(haze_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # haze_img = Image.fromarray(haze_img) return haze_img,airlight,beta_return def hazy_reside_training(img_name,depth_or_trans_name,is_imdepth=1): """ RESIDE的 training中:A :(0.7, 1.0) , beta:(0.6, 1.8) :param img_name: :param depth_or_trans_name: :param pert_perlin: :param is_imdepth: :return: """ beta = random.uniform(0.6, 1.8) beta_return = beta airlight = random.uniform(0.7, 1.0) A = airlight #print('Viusal value: {} km'.format(VR) ) #im1 = cv2.imread(img_name) img_pil = pil_to_np(img_name) #convert sRGB to linear RGB I = srgb2lrgb(img_pil) if is_imdepth: depths = depth_or_trans_name #convert depth map to transmission if depths.max()==0: d = np.where(depths == 0,1, depths) else: d = depths / depths.max() d = np.where(d == 0, 1, d) beta = np.ones(d.shape) * beta transmission = np.exp((-beta*d)) transmission_3 = np.array([transmission,transmission,transmission]) #Obtain simulated linear RGB hazy image.Eq. 3 in the HazeRD paper Ic = transmission_3 * I + (1 - transmission_3) * A else: Ic = pil_to_np(depth_or_trans_name) * I + (1 - pil_to_np(depth_or_trans_name)) * A # convert linear RGB to sRGB I2 = lrgb2srgb(Ic) #I2 = cv2.cvtColor(I2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) haze_img = np_to_pil(I2) # haze_img = np.asarray(haze_img) # haze_img = cv2.cvtColor(haze_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # haze_img = Image.fromarray(haze_img) return haze_img,airlight,beta_return def hazy_reside_OTS(img_name,depth_or_trans_name,is_imdepth=1): """ RESIDE的 OTS中:A [0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1] , beta:[0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.16, 0.2] :param img_name: :param depth_or_trans_name: :param pert_perlin: :param is_imdepth: :return: """ beta = random.choice([0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.16, 0.2]) beta_return = beta airlight = random.choice([0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1]) #print(beta) #print(airlight) A = airlight #print('Viusal value: {} km'.format(VR) ) #im1 = cv2.imread(img_name) #img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(img_name), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) img_pil = pil_to_np(img_name) #convert sRGB to linear RGB I = srgb2lrgb(img_pil) if is_imdepth: depths = depth_or_trans_name #convert depth map to transmission if depths.max()==0: d = np.where(depths == 0, 1, depths) else: d = depths/(depths.max()) d = np.where(d == 0, 1, d) beta = np.ones(d.shape) * beta transmission = np.exp((-beta*d)) transmission_3 = np.array([transmission,transmission,transmission]) #Obtain simulated linear RGB hazy image.Eq. 3 in the HazeRD paper Ic = transmission_3 * I + (1 - transmission_3) * A else: Ic = pil_to_np(depth_or_trans_name) * I + (1 - pil_to_np(depth_or_trans_name)) * A # convert linear RGB to sRGB I2 = lrgb2srgb(Ic) haze_img = np_to_pil(I2) #haze_img = np.asarray(haze_img) #haze_img = cv2.cvtColor(haze_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) #haze_img = Image.fromarray(haze_img) return haze_img,airlight,beta_return def online_add_degradation_v2(img,depth_or_trans): noise = 0 task_id=np.random.permutation(4) if random.uniform(0,1)<0.3: noise = 1 #print('noise') for x in task_id: #为增加更多变化,随机进行30%的丢弃,即<0.7 if x==0 and random.uniform(0,1)<0.7: img = blur_image_v2(img) if x==1 and random.uniform(0,1)<0.7: flag = random.choice([1, 2, 3]) if flag == 1: img = synthesize_gaussian(img, 5, 50) # Gaussian white noise with σ ∈ [5,50] if flag == 2: img = synthesize_speckle(img, 5, 50) if flag == 3: img = synthesize_salt_pepper(img, random.uniform(0, 0.01), random.uniform(0.3, 0.8)) if x==2 and random.uniform(0,1)<0.7: img=synthesize_low_resolution(img) if x==3 and random.uniform(0,1)<0.7: img=convertToJpeg(img,random.randint(40,100)) #JPEG compression whose level is in the range of [40,100] add_haze = random.choice([1,2,3]) if add_haze == 1: img, airlight, beta = hazy_reside_OTS(img, depth_or_trans) elif add_haze == 2: img, airlight, beta = hazy_simu(img, depth_or_trans) else: img, airlight, beta = hazy_reside_training(img, depth_or_trans) # else: # if add_haze < 0.1: # img = hazy_reside_OTS(img, depth_or_trans) # elif add_haze > 0.1 and add_haze < 0.2: # img = hazy_simu(img, depth_or_trans) # else: # img = hazy_reside_training(img, depth_or_trans) return img#,noise,airlight,beta class UnPairOldPhotos_SR(BaseDataset): ## Synthetic + Real Old def initialize(self, opt): self.opt = opt self.isImage = 'domainA' in opt.name self.task = 'old_photo_restoration_training_vae' self.dir_AB = opt.dataroot if self.isImage: self.load_npy_dir_depth=os.path.join(self.dir_AB,"VOC_RGB_Depthnpy.bigfile") self.load_img_dir_RGB_old=os.path.join(self.dir_AB,"Real_RGB_old.bigfile") self.load_img_dir_clean=os.path.join(self.dir_AB,"VOC_RGB_JPEGImages.bigfile") self.loaded_npys_depth=BigFileMemoryLoaderv2(self.load_npy_dir_depth) self.loaded_imgs_RGB_old=BigFileMemoryLoader(self.load_img_dir_RGB_old) self.loaded_imgs_clean=BigFileMemoryLoader(self.load_img_dir_clean) else: # self.load_img_dir_clean=os.path.join(self.dir_AB,self.opt.test_dataset) self.load_img_dir_clean=os.path.join(self.dir_AB,"VOC_RGB_JPEGImages.bigfile") self.loaded_imgs_clean=BigFileMemoryLoader(self.load_img_dir_clean) self.load_npy_dir_depth=os.path.join(self.dir_AB,"VOC_RGB_Depthnpy.bigfile") self.loaded_npys_depth=BigFileMemoryLoaderv2(self.load_npy_dir_depth) #### print("-------------Filter the imgs whose size <256 in VOC-------------") self.filtered_imgs_clean=[] self.filtered_npys_depth = [] for i in range(len(self.loaded_imgs_clean)): img_name,img=self.loaded_imgs_clean[i] npy_name, npy = self.loaded_npys_depth[i] h,w=img.size if h<256 or w<256: continue self.filtered_imgs_clean.append((img_name,img)) self.filtered_npys_depth.append((npy_name, npy)) print("--------Origin image num is [%d], filtered result is [%d]--------" % ( len(self.loaded_imgs_clean), len(self.filtered_imgs_clean))) ## Filter these images whose size is less than 256 # self.img_list=os.listdir(load_img_dir) self.pid = os.getpid() def __getitem__(self, index): is_real_old=0 sampled_dataset=None sampled_depthdataset = None degradation=None if self.isImage: ## domain A , contains 2 kinds of data: synthetic + real_old P=random.uniform(0,2) if P>=0 and P<1: #if random.uniform(0,1)<0.5: # buyao huidutu #sampled_dataset=self.loaded_imgs_L_old #self.load_img_dir=self.load_img_dir_L_old sampled_dataset = self.loaded_imgs_RGB_old self.load_img_dir = self.load_img_dir_RGB_old # else: # sampled_dataset=self.loaded_imgs_RGB_old # self.load_img_dir=self.load_img_dir_RGB_old is_real_old=1 if P>=1 and P<2: sampled_dataset=self.filtered_imgs_clean self.load_img_dir=self.load_img_dir_clean sampled_depthdataset=self.filtered_npys_depth self.load_npy_dir=self.load_npy_dir_depth degradation=1 else: sampled_dataset=self.filtered_imgs_clean self.load_img_dir=self.load_img_dir_clean sampled_depthdataset = self.filtered_npys_depth self.load_npy_dir = self.load_npy_dir_depth sampled_dataset_len=len(sampled_dataset) #print('sampled_dataset_len::::',sampled_dataset_len) index=random.randint(0,sampled_dataset_len-1) img_name,img = sampled_dataset[index] # print(img_name) # print(img) # print(index) #print(npy_name) #print(npy) if degradation is not None: npy_name, npy = sampled_depthdataset[index] img=online_add_degradation_v2(img,npy) path=os.path.join(self.load_img_dir,img_name) # AB = Image.open(path).convert('RGB') # split AB image into A and B # apply the same transform to both A and B # if random.uniform(0,1) <0.1: # img=img.convert("L") # img=img.convert("RGB") # ## Give a probability P, we convert the RGB image into L A=img w,h=A.size if w<256 or h<256: A=transforms.Scale(256,Image.BICUBIC)(A) ## Since we want to only crop the images (256*256), for those old photos whose size is smaller than 256, we first resize them. transform_params = get_params(self.opt, A.size) A_transform = get_transform(self.opt, transform_params) B_tensor = inst_tensor = feat_tensor = 0 A_tensor = A_transform(A) input_dict = {'label': A_tensor, 'inst': is_real_old, 'image': A_tensor, 'feat': feat_tensor, 'path': path} return input_dict def __len__(self): return len(self.loaded_imgs_clean) ## actually, this is useless, since the selected index is just a random number def name(self): return 'UnPairOldPhotos_SR' class PairOldPhotos(BaseDataset): def initialize(self, opt): self.opt = opt self.isImage = 'imagegan' in opt.name self.task = 'old_photo_restoration_training_mapping' self.dir_AB = opt.dataroot if opt.isTrain: self.load_img_dir_clean= os.path.join(self.dir_AB, "VOC_RGB_JPEGImages.bigfile") self.loaded_imgs_clean = BigFileMemoryLoader(self.load_img_dir_clean) self.load_npy_dir_depth= os.path.join(self.dir_AB, "VOC_RGB_Depthnpy.bigfile") self.loaded_npys_depth = BigFileMemoryLoaderv2(self.load_npy_dir_depth) print("-------------Filter the imgs whose size <256 in VOC-------------") self.filtered_imgs_clean = [] self.filtered_npys_depth = [] for i in range(len(self.loaded_imgs_clean)): img_name, img = self.loaded_imgs_clean[i] npy_name, npy = self.loaded_npys_depth[i] h, w = img.size if h < 256 or w < 256: continue self.filtered_imgs_clean.append((img_name, img)) self.filtered_npys_depth.append((npy_name, npy)) print("--------Origin image num is [%d], filtered result is [%d]--------" % ( len(self.loaded_imgs_clean), len(self.filtered_imgs_clean))) else: self.load_img_dir=os.path.join(self.dir_AB,opt.test_dataset) self.loaded_imgs=BigFileMemoryLoader(self.load_img_dir) self.load_depth_dir = os.path.join(self.dir_AB, opt.test_depthdataset) self.loaded_npys = BigFileMemoryLoaderv2(self.load_depth_dir) self.pid = os.getpid() def __getitem__(self, index): if self.opt.isTrain: img_name_clean,B = self.filtered_imgs_clean[index] npy_name_depth,D = self.filtered_npys_depth[index] path = os.path.join(self.load_img_dir_clean, img_name_clean) if self.opt.use_v2_degradation: A=online_add_degradation_v2(B,D) ### Remind: A is the input and B is corresponding GT else: if self.opt.test_on_synthetic: img_name_B,B=self.loaded_imgs[index] npy_name_D,D=self.loaded_npys[index] A=online_add_degradation_v2(B,D) A.save('../mybig_data/' + index + '.jpg') img_name_A=img_name_B path = os.path.join(self.load_img_dir, img_name_A) else: img_name_A,A=self.loaded_imgs[index] img_name_B,B=self.loaded_imgs[index] path = os.path.join(self.load_img_dir, img_name_A) # if random.uniform(0,1)<0.1 and self.opt.isTrain: # A=A.convert("L") # B=B.convert("L") # A=A.convert("RGB") # B=B.convert("RGB") # ## In P, we convert the RGB into L ##test on L # split AB image into A and B # w, h = img.size # w2 = int(w / 2) # A = img.crop((0, 0, w2, h)) # B = img.crop((w2, 0, w, h)) w,h=A.size if w<256 or h<256: A=transforms.Scale(256,Image.BICUBIC)(A) B=transforms.Scale(256, Image.BICUBIC)(B) # apply the same transform to both A and B transform_params = get_params(self.opt, A.size) A_transform = get_transform(self.opt, transform_params) B_transform = get_transform(self.opt, transform_params) B_tensor = inst_tensor = feat_tensor = 0 A_tensor = A_transform(A) B_tensor = B_transform(B) input_dict = {'label': A_tensor, 'inst': inst_tensor, 'image': B_tensor, 'feat': feat_tensor, 'path': path} return input_dict def __len__(self): if self.opt.isTrain: return len(self.filtered_imgs_clean) else: return len(self.loaded_imgs) def name(self): return 'PairOldPhotos' #del class PairOldPhotos_with_hole(BaseDataset): def initialize(self, opt): self.opt = opt self.isImage = 'imagegan' in opt.name self.task = 'old_photo_restoration_training_mapping' self.dir_AB = opt.dataroot if opt.isTrain: self.load_img_dir_clean= os.path.join(self.dir_AB, "VOC_RGB_JPEGImages.bigfile") self.loaded_imgs_clean = BigFileMemoryLoader(self.load_img_dir_clean) print("-------------Filter the imgs whose size <256 in VOC-------------") self.filtered_imgs_clean = [] self.filtered_npys_depth = [] for i in range(len(self.loaded_imgs_clean)): img_name, img = self.loaded_imgs_clean[i] npy_name, npy = self.loaded_npys_depth[i] h, w = img.size if h < 256 or w < 256: continue self.filtered_imgs_clean.append((img_name, img)) self.filtered_npys_depth.append((npy_name, npy)) print("--------Origin image num is [%d], filtered result is [%d]--------" % ( len(self.loaded_imgs_clean), len(self.filtered_imgs_clean))) else: self.load_img_dir=os.path.join(self.dir_AB,opt.test_dataset) self.loaded_imgs=BigFileMemoryLoader(self.load_img_dir) self.load_depth_dir = os.path.join(self.dir_AB, opt.test_depthdataset) self.loaded_npys = BigFileMemoryLoaderv2(self.load_depth_dir) self.loaded_masks = BigFileMemoryLoader(opt.irregular_mask) self.pid = os.getpid() def __getitem__(self, index): if self.opt.isTrain: img_name_clean,B = self.filtered_imgs_clean[index] npy_name_depth, D = self.filtered_npys_depth[index] path = os.path.join(self.load_img_dir_clean, img_name_clean) A=online_add_degradation_v2(B,D) B=transforms.RandomCrop(256)(B) ### Remind: A is the input and B is corresponding GT else: img_name_A,A=self.loaded_imgs[index] img_name_B,B=self.loaded_imgs[index] path = os.path.join(self.load_img_dir, img_name_A) #A=A.resize((256,256)) A=transforms.CenterCrop(256)(A) B=A if random.uniform(0,1)<0.1 and self.opt.isTrain: A=A.convert("L") B=B.convert("L") A=A.convert("RGB") B=B.convert("RGB") ## In P, we convert the RGB into L if self.opt.isTrain: mask_name,mask=self.loaded_masks[random.randint(0,len(self.loaded_masks)-1)] else: mask_name, mask = self.loaded_masks[index%100] mask = mask.resize((self.opt.loadSize, self.opt.loadSize), Image.NEAREST) if self.opt.random_hole and random.uniform(0,1)>0.5 and self.opt.isTrain: mask=zero_mask(256) if self.opt.no_hole: mask=zero_mask(256) A,_=irregular_hole_synthesize(A,mask) if not self.opt.isTrain and self.opt.hole_image_no_mask: mask=zero_mask(256) transform_params = get_params(self.opt, A.size) A_transform = get_transform(self.opt, transform_params) B_transform = get_transform(self.opt, transform_params) if transform_params['flip'] and self.opt.isTrain: mask=mask.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) mask_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()(mask) B_tensor = inst_tensor = feat_tensor = 0 A_tensor = A_transform(A) B_tensor = B_transform(B) input_dict = {'label': A_tensor, 'inst': mask_tensor[:1], 'image': B_tensor, 'feat': feat_tensor, 'path': path} return input_dict def __len__(self): if self.opt.isTrain: return len(self.filtered_imgs_clean) else: return len(self.loaded_imgs) def name(self): return 'PairOldPhotos_with_hole'










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