FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解



FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation



在本文中,提出了一种新的 end-to-end 的深度自编码器(auto-encoder) 来解决点云上的无监督学习问题。在Encoder 阶段,本文在 PointNet 的基础上提出了一种 graph-based 的结构;在 Decoder 阶段,提出了一种folding-based 的解码器将一个标准2D grid 变形到3D surface,使得解码器重建出的点云和输入点云之间有低重建误差。

本人理解:利用 graph-based 的结构在编码阶段提取点云特征,然后利用 folding-based 的结构在解码阶段重建点云,将重建后的点云和输入点云之间的重建误差作为 loss function。这样,就能学习编码和解码阶段的参数。

1. Introduction

本文提出了一个称为 FoldingNet 的 auto-encoder(AE)。

解码阶段的原理:Intuitively, any 3D object surface could be transformed to a 2D plane through certain operations like cutting, squeezing, and stretching. The inverse procedure is to glue those 2D point samples back onto an object surface via certain folding operations, which are initialized as 2D grid samples. 我感觉,可以理解为网格参数化及其逆映射。图示如下:
FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解
第一列:输入点云。第二列:解码阶段要进行folding的2D grid。第三列:一次folding操作后的输出。第四列:两次folding操作后的输出,即重建的点云。

Contribution:1,训练了一个端对端的深度自编码器,该编码器直接以无序点云作为输入。2,提出了一种新的称为 folding 的解码操作,该操作在点云重建中是通用的并且重构点的顺序是其副产品。3,实验证明,本文的方法与其它无监督方法相比可以得到更高的分类准确性。

2. FoldingNet Auto-encoder on Point Clouds

FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解
Encoder的输入是一个 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵,该矩阵的每一行代表3D点的位置 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 。输出是一个 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵,该矩阵表示重建后的点云(由 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 个点组成)。重建后点云的数目 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 不一定要和输入点云的数目 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 一致。记输入点云为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 ,重建后的点云为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 ,则重建误差定义为 (extended)Chamfer distance
FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解

2.1 Graph-based Encoder Architecture

Encoder是多层感知机(MLP)和基于图的最大池化层(graph-based max pooling layers)的串联。graph是通过输入点云位置的 K-NNG(K-nearest neighbor graph)构造的,文章中说他们选取 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解

Local Covariance:对于输入点云中的每一个点 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 ,计算它的局部协方差矩阵,并把该 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵向量化为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的局部协方差的计算是根据 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的K-NNG邻域计算的。

Encoder的结构:首先对于输入点云中的每个点计算其局部协方差;然后将大小为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的输入点云的位置和大小为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的局部协方差串联成大小为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵输入到一个3层MLP(该3层MLP是是shared MLP)中,输出是大小为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵;然后将 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵喂给两个连续的graph layers,每一层都会对每个输入点的邻域根据K-NNG进行局部最大池化;然后再经过全局最大池化,得到大小为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵;最后经过两层MLP对1024为特征进行降维,得到大小为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的codeword(又称code,其实就是编码后提取的特征)。总结,计算其局部协方差 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 三层感知机 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 两个连续的graph layers FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 全局最大池化 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 两层感知机

2.2 Folding-based Decoder Architecture

Decoder用了两个连续的3层MLP将一个固定的2D grid变形为输入点云的形状,即进行重建点云

Decoder的结构:首先将Encoder得到的codeword重复 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解得到大小为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵,并将该矩阵与 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵(表示点云个数为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的2D grid,可以理解为初始的重建点云)进行串联,得到大小为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵;然后将上面 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵喂给一个3层MLP,输出一个大小为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵(表示第一次folding后重建的点云);然后将上面 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵和 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵(重复的codeword)串联为大小为 FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解 的矩阵,并将其喂给一个3层MLP,输出就是重建的点云。总结,就是将Encoder得到的特征和需要变形的点云串联得到新的特征,输入给3层感知机;如此重复两次,得到重建的点云

3. Theoretical Analysis


4. Experimental Results


4.1 Visualization of the Training Process

为了展示解码器如何将2D grid变为3D点云。给出了随着训练迭代次数进行的结果展示。
FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解

4.2 Point Cloud Interpolation

FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解

4.3 Illustration of Point Cloud Clustering

FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解

4.4 Transfer Classification Accuracy

FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解

4.5 Semi-supervised Learning:What Happens when Labeled Data are Rare

FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解

4.6 Effectiveness of the Folding-Based Decoder

通过和一个全连接网络的解码器进行比较,说明FoldingNet中的folding-based decoder的effectiveness。
FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation 论文和代码详解



1. 功能函数组件

# 根据点的id找到对应的特征
def index_points(point_clouds, index):
    Given a batch of tensor and index, select sub-tensor.

        points: input points data, [B, N, C]
        idx: sample index data, [B, N, k]
        new_points:, indexed points data, [B, N, k, C]
    device = point_clouds.device
    batch_size = point_clouds.shape[0]
    view_shape = list(index.shape)
    view_shape[1:] = [1] * (len(view_shape) - 1)
    repeat_shape = list(index.shape)
    repeat_shape[0] = 1
    batch_indices = torch.arange(batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=device).view(view_shape).repeat(repeat_shape)
    new_points = point_clouds[batch_indices, index, :]
    return new_points

# k最近点邻域
def knn(x, k):
    K nearest neighborhood.

        x: a tensor with size of (B, C, N)
        k: the number of nearest neighborhoods
        idx: indices of the k nearest neighborhoods with size of (B, N, k)
    inner = -2 * torch.matmul(x.transpose(2, 1), x)  # (B, N, N)
    xx = torch.sum(x ** 2, dim=1, keepdim=True)  # (B, 1, N)
    pairwise_distance = -xx - inner - xx.transpose(2, 1)  # (B, 1, N), (B, N, N), (B, N, 1) -> (B, N, N)
    idx = pairwise_distance.topk(k=k, dim=-1)[1]   # (B, N, k)
    return idx

2. 网络结构

# graph layer的结构
class GraphLayer(nn.Module):
    Graph layer.

    in_channel: it depends on the input of this network.
    out_channel: given by ourselves.
    def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, k=16):
        super(GraphLayer, self).__init__()
        self.k = k
        self.conv = nn.Conv1d(in_channel, out_channel, 1) = nn.BatchNorm1d(out_channel)

    def forward(self, x):
            x: tensor with size of (B, C, N)
        # KNN
        knn_idx = knn(x, k=self.k)  # (B, N, k)
        knn_x = index_points(x.permute(0, 2, 1), knn_idx)  # (B, N, k, C)

        # Local Max Pooling
        x = torch.max(knn_x, dim=2)[0].permute(0, 2, 1)  # (B, N, C)
        # Feature Map
        x = F.relu(
        return x

# 编码器的结构
class Encoder(nn.Module):
    Graph based encoder.
    def __init__(self):
        super(Encoder, self).__init__()

        self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(12, 64, 1)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(64, 64, 1)
        self.conv3 = nn.Conv1d(64, 64, 1)

        self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64)
        self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64)
        self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64)

        self.graph_layer1 = GraphLayer(in_channel=64, out_channel=128, k=16)
        self.graph_layer2 = GraphLayer(in_channel=128, out_channel=1024, k=16)

        self.conv4 = nn.Conv1d(1024, 512, 1)
        self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512)

    def forward(self, x):
        b, c, n = x.size()

        # get the covariances, reshape and concatenate with x
        knn_idx = knn(x, k=16)
        knn_x = index_points(x.permute(0, 2, 1), knn_idx)  # (B, N, 16, 3)
        mean = torch.mean(knn_x, dim=2, keepdim=True)
        knn_x = knn_x - mean
        covariances = torch.matmul(knn_x.transpose(2, 3), knn_x).view(b, n, -1).permute(0, 2, 1)
        x =[x, covariances], dim=1)  # (B, 12, N)

        # three layer MLP
        x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))
        x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x)))
        x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x)))

        # two consecutive graph layers
        x = self.graph_layer1(x)
        x = self.graph_layer2(x)

        x = self.bn4(self.conv4(x))

        x = torch.max(x, dim=-1)[0]
        return x

# 对应于Decoder中的三层感知机,但是并没有像上面一样显示构造,而是用了一个数组,本质上是一样的
class FoldingLayer(nn.Module):
    The folding operation of FoldingNet

    def __init__(self, in_channel: int, out_channels: list):
        super(FoldingLayer, self).__init__()

        layers = []
        for oc in out_channels[:-1]:
            conv = nn.Conv1d(in_channel, oc, 1)
            bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(oc)
            active = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
            layers.extend([conv, bn, active])
            in_channel = oc
        out_layer = nn.Conv1d(in_channel, out_channels[-1], 1)
        self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers)

    def forward(self, grids, codewords):
            grids: reshaped 2D grids or intermediam reconstructed point clouds
        # concatenate
        x =[grids, codewords], dim=1)
        # shared mlp
        x = self.layers(x)
        return x

# 解码器结构
class Decoder(nn.Module):
    Decoder Module of FoldingNet

    def __init__(self, in_channel=512):
        super(Decoder, self).__init__()

        # Sample the grids in 2D space
        xx = np.linspace(-0.3, 0.3, 45, dtype=np.float32)
        yy = np.linspace(-0.3, 0.3, 45, dtype=np.float32)
        self.grid = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)   # (2, 45, 45)

        # reshape
        self.grid = torch.Tensor(self.grid).view(2, -1)  # (2, 45, 45) -> (2, 45 * 45)
        self.m = self.grid.shape[1]

        self.fold1 = FoldingLayer(in_channel + 2, [512, 512, 3])
        self.fold2 = FoldingLayer(in_channel + 3, [512, 512, 3])

    def forward(self, x):
        x: (B, C)
        batch_size = x.shape[0]

        # repeat grid for batch operation
        grid =                      # (2, 45 * 45)
        grid = grid.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch_size, 1, 1)  # (B, 2, 45 * 45)
        # repeat codewords
        x = x.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, self.m)            # (B, 512, 45 * 45)
        # two folding operations
        recon1 = self.fold1(grid, x)
        recon2 = self.fold2(recon1, x)
        return recon2

# 整体自解码器结构
class AutoEncoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):

        self.encoder = Encoder()
        self.decoder = Decoder()

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.encoder(x)
        x = self.decoder(x)
        return x

3. 训练Auto-encoder

# 参数设置
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--root', type=str, default='/home/rico/Workspace/Dataset/shapenet_part/shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0')
parser.add_argument('--npoints', type=int, default=2048)
parser.add_argument('--mpoints', type=int, default=2025)
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=16)
parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=1e-4)
parser.add_argument('--weight_decay', type=float, default=1e-6)
parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=400)
parser.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=4)
parser.add_argument('--log_dir', type=str, default='./log')
args = parser.parse_args()

# prepare training and testing dataset
train_dataset = ShapeNetPartDataset(root=args.root, npoints=args.npoints, split='train', classification=False, data_augmentation=True)
test_dataset = ShapeNetPartDataset(root=args.root, npoints=args.npoints, split='test', classification=False, data_augmentation=True)
train_dataloader =, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=args.num_workers)
test_dataloader =, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=args.num_workers)

# device
device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')

# model
autoendocer = AutoEncoder()

# loss function
cd_loss = ChamferDistance()
# optimizer
optimizer = optim.Adam(autoendocer.parameters(),, betas=[0.9, 0.999], weight_decay=args.weight_decay)

batches = int(len(train_dataset) / args.batch_size + 0.5)

min_cd_loss = 1e3
best_epoch = -1

print('\033[31mBegin Training...\033[0m')
for epoch in range(1, args.epochs + 1):
    # training
    start = time.time()
    for i, data in enumerate(train_dataloader):
        point_clouds, _ = data
        point_clouds = point_clouds.permute(0, 2, 1)
        point_clouds =
        recons = autoendocer(point_clouds)
        ls = cd_loss(point_clouds.permute(0, 2, 1), recons.permute(0, 2, 1))

        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            print('Epoch {}/{} with iteration {}/{}: CD loss is {}.'.format(epoch, args.epochs, i + 1, batches, ls.item() / len(point_clouds)))
    # evaluation
    total_cd_loss = 0
    with torch.no_grad():
        for data in test_dataloader:
            point_clouds, _ = data
            point_clouds = point_clouds.permute(0, 2, 1)
            point_clouds =
            recons = autoendocer(point_clouds)
            ls = cd_loss(point_clouds.permute(0, 2, 1), recons.permute(0, 2, 1))
            total_cd_loss += ls.item()
    # calculate the mean cd loss
    mean_cd_loss = total_cd_loss / len(test_dataset)

    # records the best model and epoch
    if mean_cd_loss < min_cd_loss:
        min_cd_loss = mean_cd_loss
        best_epoch = epoch, os.path.join(args.log_dir, 'model_lowest_cd_loss.pth'))
    # save the model every 100 epochs
    if (epoch) % 100 == 0:, os.path.join(args.log_dir, 'model_epoch_{}.pth'.format(epoch)))
    end = time.time()
    cost = end - start

    print('\033[32mEpoch {}/{}: reconstructed Chamfer Distance is {}. Minimum cd loss is {} in epoch {}.\033[0m'.format(
        epoch, args.epochs, mean_cd_loss, min_cd_loss, best_epoch))
    print('\033[31mCost {} minutes and {} seconds\033[0m'.format(int(cost // 60), int(cost % 60)))






上一篇 2022年6月8日 下午12:04
下一篇 2022年6月8日 下午12:07

